Online-Seminar: KI im MINT-Unterricht – Materialien für jüngere Schüler*innen (auf Englisch)
In diesem Webinar in englischer Sprache werden zwei für jüngere Schüler*innen konzipierte Unterrichtseinheiten unserer neuen digitalen Materialien „KI im MINT-Unterricht“ vorgestellt. Die insgesamt fünf Einheiten geben Lehrkräften Tools, Methoden und Ideen an die Hand, wie sie das komplexe Thema KI und maschinelles Lernen interaktiv und altersgerecht behandeln können. Die Materialien stehen auf der Seite von Science on Stage Europe auf Englisch und hier auf Deutsch zur Verfügung.
Learning about AI as early as in primary school can help students to better understand this technology and engage with its applications in a safe and guided environment. In line with our motto “from teachers for teachers”, our authors have compiled a wealth of ideas and digital resources for you to try out in your classroom.
Join us for a presentation of “First Steps in AI and Data Analysis” and “EcoKids Teach AI”. Learn about how you can introduce your students aged 8 to 12 to the topics of Big Data and generative AI in an interactive, fun and age-appropriate way, and find out how activities involving roleplay, an educational robot and a simple block-based programming task can get your students excited about recycling and protecting the environment.
Please take note of your time zone: the webinar will take place at 19:00-20:00 CEST.
Die Referent*innen
Cláudia Meirinhos has worked as a primary school teacher for over 20 years and currently teaches at the Agrupamento de Escolas de Barcelos, Portugal. She is a Certified Trainer and wrote her Master's dissertation on Artificial Intelligence educational practices in the Primary School. She has published articles and an ebook on this and other topics of digital technologies in the classroom. Her project “EcoKids Teach AI” was invited to the European Science on Stage festival in August 2024.
Paul Tyler is currently teaching Sustainable Engineering and Creativity at Kirkhill Primary School in Scotland. He presents and writes about a wide range of issues relating to primary science and is the co-founder of My Science Club, which provides science club resources and support for educators. His project “First Steps in AI and Data Analysis” is the culmination of a lot of research, a lot of trial and error and a lot of testing of ideas in class.
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